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“The City of Nonconformists” in the exhibition “16 Neighborhoods, 1,000 Cities”


“So, for the exhibition that came about after the commission, and that was not planned, I considered that people should take the texts with them and I took the option of making an installation with photocopies, so that everyone could build their own catalogue, gather the material for their home, hang it on the fridge... It was also a quick way of giving back to the people of the neighbourhood.”


Once the photographic mission commissioned to be deposited in the Barcelona Photographic Archive to build a history of the city was completed, the 10 photographers who documented the different neighborhoods were asked to bring all the projects together in a single exhibition, which took place in the El Borsí building, under the title “16 Neighborhoods, 1,000 Cities”


Each of the photographers had the same space to make an installation of our project. The installation of “The City of Nonconformists” consisted of 10,000 photocopies with the edited texts of the interviews conducted with residents and groups, which the public could take away and create their own catalog of the project, having the opportunity to read them calmly and even keep or share them.

  • JoanTomasPhotographer
  • Joan Tomás Fotografía
  • Joan Tomás Fotógrafo

 © Joan Tomas for all the images

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